Friday, January 16, 2009

Power Corrupts Absolutely

I'll bet your saying it's "Absolute Power, Corrupts Absolutely". I submit to you that any power corrupts absolutely. If you have the ability to vote a pay raise to yourself, you will. Thus all elected officials should not get paid to do the job they so desperately campaigned for. It should be considered doing what is right by the people. Considering that in this day and age most individuals who get elected have a goodly amount of wealth to begin with. If they were not allowed to be bought off or to give themselves the peoples moneys then maybe they would find some pride and honor in their endeavours and do finally what is right for their constituents. The act of receiving money or lavish gifts while holding an elected office should be a federal offense. This would end lobbyist buying votes to serve their corporate masters. The president himself should have no income from the job of president. Full disclosure of all assets and a background check conducted by an independent organization should be given to the people for all men and women attempting to be elected to a position. The American citizens should have access to all the facts about the individuals, and not make these critical decisions based on campaign ads and rhetoric. Serving your nation as an elected official should be an honor and a privilege, and those elected should do everything in their power to do what is right and just according to the people who elect them. If the people find fault or dishonor with their elected representative then they should have the right to file petition for a new election. The law should always support the people and not the politicians.

On the subject of patriotism and what defines it, I submit what I believe to be true. A patriot is any person who knows right from wrong, and is willing to die to see justice done. A patriot is not proud of his country, a patriot loves the people of his community or nation and will go out of his way to do right by them. Even at the expense of his own life or freedom.

Respectfully Yours,
Thos. Jefferson

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