Monday, April 27, 2009
Unite or Die
It is every Americans right and responsibility to throw off an oppressive or corrupt government.
Respectfully yours,
Thos. Jefferson
Friday, April 17, 2009
Dear America
- The Constitution is Sacred Law! You cannot violate it!
- You work for the people!
- Give back your pay, you don't deserve it!
- We demand honesty, honor, and integrity from you!
- No more passing bills without reading them first!
- No more earmarks!
- Give our veterans the best medical care in the world, they deserve it!
- Bribes and Kickbacks are illegal, don't accept them!
- You cannot take our guns!
- Balance the Budget!
Now remember Americans that they may not listen to you, but it is your duty to force them. If protests fail, form a militia and overthrow them, then reinstate the Constitution. Pass a law that says elected officials don't get paid. If you run for office you should do it because you care about America, because you believe in honor and integrity, because service to the nation is an honor and a privilege, not a job. I'm calling for the formation of a third party, a middle party, because right and left have failed us. The Constitutionalist party! What is the Constitutionalist party about, you ask. It should be a group of Americans who hold the Constitution as sacred, who believe freedom is unlimited. This party shall have goals, like overthrowing the patriot act because it violates our right to privacy, to overturning any law that violates the Constitution, to stopping lobbyists and their corporate masters from tainting our sacred system with their greed, to bring back the importance of honor, honesty, and integrity. To make certain that all high school graduates have a deep understanding of freedom, The Constitution, The Declaration of Independence and an overall understanding of why our founding fathers chose this system over all the others. America is the land of the free, we must never fall into fascist tyranny, we cannot let corruption destroy our honor.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
peices of the puzzle
(i borrowed a few peices from a wise person who made a point about liberals and conservatives whom i think was off base but had a few good points)
1. Soaring, Then Crashing
revolutions don't happen in traditional societies that are stable and static, where people have their place, things are as they've always been, and nobody expects any of that to change. Rather, modern revolutions — particularly the progressive-minded ones in which people emerge from the fray with greater rights and equality — happen in economically advancing societies, always at the point where a long period of rising living standards and high, hopeful expectations comes to a crashing end, leaving the citizens in an ugly and disgruntled mood."Revolutions are most likely to occur when a prolonged period of objective economic and social development is followed by a short period of sharp reversal. The all-important effect on the minds of people in a particular society is to produce, during the former period, an expectation of continued ability to satisfy needs — which continue to rise — and, during the latter, a mental state of anxiety and frustration when manifest reality breaks away from anticipated reality...."Political stability and instability are ultimately dependent on a state of mind, a mood, in is the dissatisfied state of mind rather than the tangible provision of 'adequate' or 'inadequate' supplies of food, equality, or liberty which produces the revolution." The American middle class was built on New Deal investments in education, housing, infrastructure, and health care, which produced a very "prolonged period of objective economic and social development." People were optimistic; generations of growing prosperity raised their expectations that their children would do even better. That era instilled in Americans exactly the kind of hopeful belief in their own agency that primes them to become likely revolutionaries in an era of decline. we are now at the point where "manifest reality breaks away from anticipated reality;" and the breach is creating political turbulence. The average American has seen his or her standard of living contract by fits and starts since about 1972. This fall-off that was relieved somewhat by the transition to two-earner households and the economic sunshine of the Clinton years(note. i beleive this is the start of our crash..NAFTA) — but then accelerated with the dot-com crash, followed by eight years of Bush's overt hostility toward the lower 98 percent of Americans who aren't part of his base. Working-class America is reeling from the mass exodus of manufacturing jobs and the scourge of predatory lending; middle-class America is being hollowed out by health-care bankruptcies, higher college costs, and a tax load far heavier than that of the richest 2 percent. These people expected to do better than their parents. Now, they're screwed every direction they turn. In the face of this reversal, it's not at all surprising that the national mood is turning ominous, from one end of the political spectrum to the other. However, this may not be just a passing political storm. In other times and places, this kind of quick decline in a prosperous nation has been a reliable sign of a full-on revolution brewing just ahead.
2. They Call It A Class War
Marx called this one true, Progressive modern democracies run on mutual trust between classes and a shared vision of the common good that binds widely disparate groups together. Now, we're also about to re-learn the historical lesson like flat hierarchies, racial and religious tolerance, and easy class mobility not because we're soft-headed and soft-hearted — but because, we understand that tight social cohesion is our most reliable and powerful bulwark against the kinds of revolutions that bring down great economies, nations and cultures. the stage for revolution was set when the upper classes broke faith with society's other groups, and began to openly prey on them in ways that threatened their very future. Not surprisingly, the other groups soon united, took up arms, and rebelled. And here we are again: policies have opened the wealth gap to Depression levels; put workers at the total mercy of their employers; and deprived the working and middle classes of access to education, home ownership, health care, capital, legal redress, and their expectations of a better future for their kids. You can only get away with blaming this on gays and Mexicans for so long before people get wise to the game. And Americans are getting wise.Our current plutocratic nobility may soon face the same stark choice its English, French, and Russian predecessors did. They can keep their heads and take proactive steps to close the gap between themselves and the common folk (choosing evolution over revolution, as JFK counsels). Or they can keep insisting stubbornly on their elite prerogatives, until that gap widens to the point where the revolution comes and they will lose their heads entirely. all we were asking of our modern-day corporate courtiers is that they accept a tax cut repeal on people making over $200K a year, raise the minimum wage, give us decent health care and the right to unionize, and call a halt to their ridiculous "death tax". In retrospect, their historic forebears might have counseled them to take this deal: their headless ghosts bear testimony to the idea that's it's better to give in and lose a little skin early than dig in and lose your whole hide later on.
3. The Deserted Intellectuals
Mere unrest among the working and middle classes, all by itself, isn't enough. Revolutions require leaders — and those always come from the professional and intellectual classes. In most times and places, these groups (which also include military officers) usually enjoy comfortable ties to the upper classes, and access to a certain level of power. But if those connections become frayed and weak, and the disaffected intellectuals make common cause with the lower classes, revolution becomes almost inevitable. compared to both the upper and lower classes, the members of America's upper-middle class were relatively untouched by Great Depression. Because of this, their allegiances to the existing social structure largely remained intact; and he argues that their continued engagement was probably the main factor that allowed America to avert an all-out revolution in the 1930s. But 2009 is a different story. Both the Boomers (now in their late 40s to early 60s) and Generation X (now in their late 20s to late 40s) were raised in an economically advancing nation that was rich with opportunity and expectation. We spent our childhoods in what were then still the world's best schools; and A students of every class worked hard to position ourselves for what we (and our parents and teachers) expected would be very successful adult careers. We had every reason to believe that, no matter where we started, important leadership roles awaited us in education, government, the media, business, research, and other institutions. And yet, when we finally graduated and went to work, we found those institutions being sold out from under us. For too many of us, these thwarted expectations have been the driving arc of our adult lives. But we've never lost the sense that it was a choice that the America we grew up in would never have asked us to make. we are "deserted intellectuals" — a class that is always at extremely high risk for fomenting revolution whenever it appears in history.
Davies says that revolutions catalyze when these deserted intellectuals make common cause with the lower classes. And much of the energy of this election is coming right out of that emerging alliance. The same drive toward corporatization that savaged our dreams also hammered at other class wedges throughout American society, creating conditions that savaged the middle class and ground the working class toward something resembling serfdom. Between our galvanizing frustration with George Bush, our shared fury at the war, and the new connections forged by bloggers and organizers, that alliance has now congealed into the determinedly change-minded movements we're seeing this election cycle.
4. Incompetent Government
They govern badly because they don't really believe that government should exist at all — except, perhaps, as a way to funnel the peoples' tax money into the pockets of party insiders. This conflicted (if not outright hostile) attitude toward government can't possibly lead to any outcome other than bad management, bad policy, and eventually such horrendously bad social and economic outcomes that people are forced into the streets to hold their leaders to account.
It turns out there's never been a modern revolution that didn't start against a backdrop of atrocious government malfeasance in the face of precipitously declining fortunes. From George III's onerous taxes to Marie Antoinette's "Let them eat cake," revolutions begin when stubborn aristocrats heap fuel on the fire by blithely disregarding the falling fortunes of their once-prosperous citizens. And America is getting dangerously close to that point now. Between our corporate-owned Congress and the spectacularly bad judgment of Bush's executive branch, there's never been a government in American history more inept, corrupt, and criminally negligent than this one — or more shockingly out of touch with what the average American is going through. Just ask anyone from New Orleans — or anyone who has a relative in the military. But if we've learned anything over the last eight years, it's that our votes don't always count. the growing conviction that change via the ballot box is futile, we may find a large and disgruntled group of Americans looking to restore government accountability by more direct means.
5. The Gutless Wonders in the Ruling Class
Revolution becomes necessary when the ruling classes fail in their duty to lead. Most of the major modern political revolutions occurred at moments when the world was changing rapidly — and the country's leaders dealt with it by dropping back into denial and clinging defiantly to the old, profitable, and familiar status quo. New technologies, new ideas, and new economic opportunities were emerging; and there came a time when ignoring them was no longer an option. When the leaders failed to step forward boldly to lead their people through the looming and necessary transformations, the people rebelled. We're hard up against some huge transformative changes now. Global warming and overwhelming pollution are forcing us to reconsider the way we occupy the world, altering our relationship to food, water, air, soil, energy, and each other. The transition off carbon-based fuels and away from non-recyclable goods is going to re-structure our entire economy. Computers are still creating social and business transformations; biotech and nanotech will only accelerate that. More and more people in the industrialized world are feeling a spiritual void, and coming to believe that moving away from consumerism and toward community may be an important step in recovering that nameless thing they've lost. Governments will reflexively try to deny that change is occurring at all, and then brutally suppress anyone with evidence to the contrary. Which is why, every time our current crop of so-called leaders open their mouths to propose a policy or Explain It All To Us, it's embarrassingly obvious that they don't have the vision, the intelligence, or the courage to face the future that everyone can clearly see bearing down on us, whether we're ready or not. Their persistent cluelessness infuriates us — and terrifies us. It's all too clear that these people are a waste of our tax money: they will never take us where we need to go. Much of the energy we're seeing in this year's election is due to the fact that a majority of Americans have figured out that our government is leaving us hung out here, completely on our own, to manage huge and inevitable changes with no support or guidance whatsoever. Historically, this same seething fury at incompetent, unimaginative, cowardly leaders — and the dawning realization that our survival depends on seizing the lead for ourselves — has been the spark that's ignited many a violent uprising.
6. The Fiscal Irresponsibility
As we've seen, revolutions follow in the wake of national economic reversals. Almost always, these reversals occur when inept and corrupt governments mismanage the national economy to the point of indebtedness, bankruptcy, and currency collapse.
There's a growing consensus on both the left and right that America is now heading into the biggest financial contraction since the Great Depression. Good-paying jobs went offshore. Domestic investments in infrastructure and education were diverted to the war machine. Government oversight of banks and securities was blinded. Vast sections of the economy were sold off to the Saudis for oil, or to the Chinese for cheap consumer goods and money to finance tax cuts for the wealthy. unwittingly setting up the historical preconditions for revolution.
7. The Inept and Inconsistent Use of Force
this is where the government treats people unequally for example. the bailouts. i cant get a bailout you cant get a bail out. fortune 500's and the like can. unfair treatment of the people. and the ultimate cause of revolution.
8. ????? you tell me
yours truely,
Benjamin Franklin
“War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself.”
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Urgent Notice
Respectfully Yours,
Thos. Jefferson
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Will you pay the price of freedom?
I want to hear from anyone who reads this, would you die for our freedoms?
Think long and hard before answering, what would you sacrifice for freedom?
Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom-Thos. Jefferson
Respectfully Yours
Thos. Jefferson
Saturday, February 28, 2009
A note about the American family
Yours respectfully
Thos. Jefferson
To my commentor and friend: No where in this letter does it say we should outlaw promiscuity, the only mention of law is to make people responsible for the children they create, considering that birth control is easily accesible for all sexes. You may have as many partners you want, however if you ignorantly fail to use birth control then you must be held responsible, at the very least financially, and theres already a law to enforce child support payments.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Quote to think on.
I am sick and tired of being sick and tired and Im definately over being broke all the damn time
our letter was about the economy. i feel we as americans should stand up to our oppressive government and put the power back into our hands. this whole mess is getting outta hand.
Ben Franklin
It is sweet to serve one's country by deeds, and it is not absurd to serve her by words. ~Sallust
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Educational System gets an F!
Respectfully Yours
Thos. Jefferson
Friday, January 16, 2009
Power Corrupts Absolutely
On the subject of patriotism and what defines it, I submit what I believe to be true. A patriot is any person who knows right from wrong, and is willing to die to see justice done. A patriot is not proud of his country, a patriot loves the people of his community or nation and will go out of his way to do right by them. Even at the expense of his own life or freedom.
Respectfully Yours,
Thos. Jefferson
Thursday, January 15, 2009
My elaboration on patriotism
I recently viewed a wiki article on patriotism. The article claims that it IS to be proud of your country. There for two waring countrys should not fight because they are both patriotic. WRONG!
Also i watched V for Vendetta. Wonderful flick. The movie never once mentioned patriotism. The movie only glorifies Freedom of oppression. freedome to live with your rights earned at birth. RIGHT!
Another good movie (i read the book as well) is Braveheart. This movie also preaches freedom. Patriotism defined on screen.
Patriotism is not to be proud of your country.
It is the freedom to witch country you choose.
The freedom to witch god you worship.
The freedom of what you say.
It is the idea of FREEDOM and your reasons to fight for it.
The country you choose to be proud of is your loyalty not your patriotism.
I am loyal to this great nation i call home. Good ol' America, but that does not mean i beleive my government has not corupted itself. It has and needs a change. A change in the direction of freedom. My patriotism is flaring for the old to become the new. Flaring to shake this great nation.
Ben Franklin
To him in whom love dwells, the whole world is but one family. ~Buddha
I have no sense of nationalism, only a cosmic consciousness of belonging to the human family. ~Rosika Schwimmer
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Here Me Out
The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.
When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic. Sell not liberty to purchase power.
I agree to this Constitution, with all its Faults, if they are such; because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well administered; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a Course of Years, and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!

These are words that every American should take to heart.
yours Truly
Benjamin franklin
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. -John F. Kennedy
Sunday, January 11, 2009
What is a patriot?
being a patriot means standing up for freedom. it is attention to civic duty and rejection of corruption.
after asking a random stranger what it meant to him he replied. "Being really proud of your counrty." I emplore no.. i challenge you as a citizen of this great nation to make it something to be proud of.
yours truly
Benjamin Franklin
the Work shall not be wholly lost: For it will, as he believ'd, appear once more, In a new & more perfect Edition, Corrected and Amended By the Author.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Dear America,
Respectfully Yours,
Thos. Jefferson
Saturday, January 3, 2009
The war on terror is already lost!
If you will not fight for your rights then you must not call yourself an American, real Americans are brave and will not hesitate to fight for your rights, they willingly give their lives for this nation.
Respectfully Yours
Thos. Jefferson